Fishtechy Proof Ball Launches

July 31, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

Fly fishing doesn’t see many truly revolutionary products these days. Sure, we get fancy new fly rods (but they can’t cast themselves – yet) and lines made from recycled materials. But a true game-changing product isn’t all that common.

I’m not saying the Fishtechy Proof Ball will completely change the sport, but I think it has the potential to vastly improve the health of our trout and fisheries.

The Proof Ball is a physical ball designed to work in conjunction with the Fishtechy App, which uses AI and the reference point of the ball to accurately measure the length of a fish. Even if the fish is still in the net (as it should be, if we’re following best practices for catch and release), you just place the ball next to the fish, snap a pic, and the Fishtechy App can tell you its exact length.

Per a press release, “By simply using a regular camera to take pictures or videos of their catch, even while it’s still in the water, anglers can accurately measure length, girth and weight of their catch with minimal handling. This innovative approach not only makes the process fun and fast but also promotes sustainable fishing practices by reducing stress on the fish while ensuring precise measurements.

“’Today’s method of measuring an angler’s catch is not only cumbersome,’ explains Fishtechy founder Lawrence Sowell, ‘but it’s also unduly stressful and unhealthy for fish. We invented a radically simpler, more enjoyable, and sustainable way to measure your catch.’”

That should eliminate a lot of pictures of trout laying on grass, dirt, or rocks, next to a fly rod in lieu of a good measuring stick.

Gary Loomis is a fan, as he’s quoted in a Fishtechy press release saying, “This technology is fantastic and should be in every fishermans arsenal. This promotes better fish handling and supports our Fish First mission and vision.”

Jim Teeny, a world-record holding angler, has a slightly more practical take.

“What I love about this technology is that it will finally put an end to fish stories,” said Teeny.

The Fishtechy App is free, and the balls can be bought on Amazon.