Latest Conservation Articles

Balancing Recreation and Conservation

I call my home water “Madison,” and have done so for...

Midas Mutants: A Case Study in How We Think Nature Needs Improvements

There are parallels between fish management and ungulate...

Restoring Native Trout: We Haven't Taken it Far Enough

I’m a regular contributor to Hatch Magazine, one of my...

The Glyphosate Debate: Looking for Clear Answers in Murky Waters

Editor's note: Conservation/environmental issues are always...

Conservation articles

Glyphosate Hysteria: Threat to Aquatic Ecosystems or Concocted Controversy

The fiction concocted by lawyers that the herbicide glyphosate (active ingredient in Roundup) is a carcinogenic...

Reusable Water Bottles: Drink Responsibly

Editor’s Note: This is the sixteenth article in our series on fly fishing conservation.  This series appears with...

Making a Difference

Editor’s Note: This is the fifteenth article in our series on fly fishing conservation.  This series appears with...

The Zealand River: A Blueprint for Failure and an Opportunity for Success

Editor’s Note: This is the fourteenth article in our series on fly fishing conservation.  This series appears with...

Killing Fish to Save Frogs

Shortly after World War II, California fish managers had a brainstorm: They loaded juvenile trout into airplanes and...

Holistic Stream Restoration: A New Approach

Editor’s Note: This is the thirteenth article in our series on fly fishing conservation.  This series appears with...

Branding Native Fish: A Critically Important Step

Editor’s Note: This is the twelfth article in our series on fly fishing conservation.  This series appears with the...

Wild Refuges to Save Native Fish: A Complicated Issue

Editor’s Note: This is the eleventh article in our series on fly fishing conservation.  This series appears with the...