Latest Stories & Essays Articles

Roosterfish Dreams

I heard a key scratch in the lock. The door swung open to...

Más Roosterfish

I had tried for roosterfish on my own, and caught one...

Steelhead Season: Old Friends and New Experiences

This time of year the phone starts ringing with people...

Mud in Your Eye

I disapprove of drinking. But not saloons, oddly enough...

Stories & Essays articles

No Name Creek

After parking at the bridge and fighting deer flies, buckthorn, stinging nettles, and summer humidity, I stepped from...

The Wild Bunch

The water is low, but the river may still hold a few surprises if I take Master Cotton’s advice and fish long and...

Night Moves

The best trout fishing occurs, as everyone knows, deep in the night. Or a week before opener. Or two miles upstream. I...


For the third time in as many minutes the trout rose under the shadow cast by the low-hanging branches of a maple tree...


The pool is barely wider than my 9-foot fly rod. Riffles are mere trickles. The creek itself disappears just beyond the...

The Hog Farm

In bluff country one stumbles on isolated taverns sitting there for no good reason. These are typically at the...

May Days

It’s hard not to smile as I tramp through a meadow sprinkled with dandelions and buttercups. Upon my approach, a pair...

The Driftless

One day I up and moved to the Midwest’s Driftless Region, which is blue ribbon trout country. I’m not bragging. And...