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Sizzling Summer Fly Fishing for Permit and Tarpon in Belize
When you live in the Northern Rockies, you put up with cold temperatures and inclement weather for half the year. That...
Washington’s Heavy-Water Rainbows
Washington state’s Upper Columbia River landed on the fly-fishing landscape a couple decades ago, and the first man...
The Fortress
I was nine hours into the drive before I realized that Cline River isn’t actually a town and, instead, is a simple...
Fly Fishing Niagara
As an avid angler, I know how lucky I am to live out West. I live where most folks plan their summer vacations, in a...
Land of Fishing Legends
It was the mid-eighties. I was dating this blue-eyed beauty who accompanied me on a nine-hour drive from our suburban...
"An Alaska Story"
When I was about seven years old, my father surprised me with my first fishing rod, a stout little piece of dark...
Fish, Nature and Tradition: Maine's Rangeley Lake Getaways
Lighthouses, schooners, and lobsters come to mind when people think of Maine. But there is another side of the state...
Bonefishing in the Bahamas
Berry Islands, Bahamas Bonefishing The Bahamas rank at the top of world bonefishing destinations and with good reason...