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Alaska Fly Fishing: A River to Ourselves

"Most anglers who experience Alaska find themselves on a crowded river, sometimes shoulder to shoulder, or at least...

Johnny Sain

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Fly Fishing with Wet Flies: The Complete Guide

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I Hated Dry Fly Fishing Until I Made These Changes

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Fly Tying Tips Episode 1: The Anatomy of a Hook

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Free Falling: A Fly Fishing Documentary on Baltic Salmon

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Streamer Fly Fishing for Trout

"I truly believe it's the same fish I caught last year, but I’ll let you guys be the judge of that. Unfortunately...

Master Dry Fly Casting in the Wind

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All Things Euro-Nymphing: Euro-Rods, Lines and Leaders

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There Are No Rules In Fly Fishing

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Make the Perfect Nymph Box Better

"Once you have core patterns in your box, it is time to add attractors and junk flies—mops, squirmy worms, eggs...

Vivid Dreams: Fly Fishing Iceland

"Iceland is a magical fly fishing destination, home to some of the largest sea-run brown trout in the world. Imagine...

Ed Jaworowski's Functional Fly Casting Part 1: Acceleration

"It's vital to understand that fishing conditions and situations change endlessly. There are no fixed rules or...