Latest Gear Articles

Review: Irish Setter VaprTrek Boots

I would wager that a large portion of fly anglers enjoy...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Orvis Bankshot Fly Line

Dry fly fishing and nymphing are almost related in that...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Jamstop Thingamabobber

No matter how much we all like dry fly fishing and casting...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Simms Freestone Z Waders

Waders are essential for cold water fly fishing, but...

Gear articles

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Orvis Clearwater Fly Reel

I love old fly reels, and have accumulated a collection of them over the years. I like the classic look and feel. I...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Xero Shoes Barefoot Sandals

Wet wading is a simple pleasure that brings me back to the early days of my childhood. Back then, when I was on summer...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Airflo's Superflo Sink-Tip Line

When the first sink tip lines came out years ago I bought a few and while they were quite useful for fishing in Alaska...

Gear Review: Korkers Chrome Lite Wading Boots

Korkers released a new series of wading boots this year—the Wade Lite line. Included in the lineup are the Chrome...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Rio Gold Line

As a fly fishing guide, the number one question I get asked by clients (besides "are we actually going to catch...

Gear Review: Scott Session Fly Rod

Before the Scott Session showed up on my doorstep, the only other Scott rod I had fished was a Radian. I loved that...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Orvis Clearwater Fly Rods

I’ve always thought that shopping for a fly rod is a lot like shopping for a car. There are your expensive...

MidCurrent Tested and Trusted: Rising Lunker Net

I’m just going to say it—I absolutely hate short-handled nets. As iconic as that classic image we all see in...