Podcast Roundup

Photo: Matt Keefe/Flickr
This week’s Podcast Roundup has some great insights packed into the three episodes. You’ll learn a bit about fishing spring creeks, what goes into managing and owning a trout fishery, and get some insight on swinging surface flies for steelhead.
If you have a podcast you’d like to see featured here, please let us know!
Orvis Podcast: 14 Tips for Spring Creek Fishing
Tom Rosenbauer had Brant Oswald on to talk all about fishing spring creeks. Oswald is guide, teacher, and fly shop owner who’s been in the business for over 40 years, so he has some great tips to share. And seeing as spring creeks can be the bane of many anglers, his tips might just make the difference in how successful you are the next time you visit one.
Fly Culture Podcast: Working in Fishing
Pete Tyjas, host the Fly Culture podcast, invited James Harnold on to talk about the reality of working in fishing. Harnold use to own and run a trout fishery (which is a fascinating concept for American anglers to learn about) and he has some great insight on what goes into keeping up fisheries.
WadeOutThere Podcast: Dec Hogan Part 2
Dec Hogan, and accomplished spey caster and and instructor, joined host Jason Shemchuk for a two-part episode all about swinging flies. This is the second half of the show, and the two focus on swinging flies on the surface for steelhead, which is a tactic that really grabs my interest.
Podcast Roundup: Nymphing, Streamers, and Travel
Orvis Podcast: Getting Started in Trout Spey