Podcast Roundup: Pet Peeves, Trophy Stripers, and Adventures

Photo: Matt Keefe/Flickr
This week’s podcast roundup has an interesting mix of topics. We start out with some industry pet peeves and fly fishing wisdom from Greg Senyo, then we get to hear about some adventures in British Columbia and Mexico from Rick Passek. We wrap up the roundup with a conversation about trophy striped bass. There should be something in this week’s group of shows for everyone.
As always, if you have a podcast you’d like to see featured here, please let us know!
Articulate Fly Podcast: Fly Fishing Wisdom and Industry Pet Peeves
Marvin Cash sat down with Greg Senyo, who’s a fly designer, author, and outfitter. The two talk about Senyo’s journey to building his brands, including Montana Fly Company, and Senyo’s pet peeves about the fly fishing industry. One thing Senyo goes into detail on is the importance of staying authentic, especially as the industry becomes more and more dominated by social media.
Anchored Outdoors: Rick Passek, FlyFish Fanatic
In this episode of Anchored, host April Vokey sat down with Rick Passek, a passionate fly angler who’s been doing this for over 35 years. He’s also an author, with several books under his belt. He and April discuss his upcoming books, as well as some of his fishing adventures, which range from British Columbia to roadtripping through Mexico. It’s a fun conversation.
Ask About Fly Fishing Podcast: Fly Fishing for Trophy Striped Bass
Podcast host D. Roger Maves sat down with John Field, a fly casting instructor, author, and photographer, to talk about fly fishing for trophy striped bass. Field goes into detail on behavior, preferred foods, and the best fishing spots for these fish. If striped bass have ever been on your radar, you need to listen to this episode.
Podcast Roundup - DIY Fishing, Alaskan Lessons, and Mending
Podcast Roundup: Panfish, Saltwater, and Rise Forms