Tying Tuesday

June 25, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

This week’s Tying Tuesday features a great mayfly nymph, a damselfly nymph pattern, and a caddis nymph. With all three bugs fairly active right now in most trout fisheries, it’s time to bust out the vise and put a few of each of these in your fly box.

The Cheeseman Emerger is familiar to anyone who’s fished the South Platte in Colorado, but that doesn’t mean that river is the only place this fly works. It has all the makings of a great mayfly nymph, and the folks at AvidMax will show you how to tie one up.

Up next is a fly that made me really scratch my head. I saw the new video from Fly Fish Food and thought we’re balancing damselfly nymphs now? Really? It felt almost like a gimmick. Once you see the fly put together, though, it’s a brilliant little pattern, and balancing it in the same way we tie balanced leeches makes a ton of sense. Give this a serious look.

Loon Outdoors will show us how to tie the Glass Caddis, a nymph pattern that uses green glass beads covered in UV resin for the body. It’s an interesting approach on a time-tested pattern, and I’m curious as to how the fish like it. I will say that I’ve fished more small, green caddis nymphs and emergers this year, and I’m seeing a ton of success with those bugs. So, I reckon this one should fish well, too.