Podcast Roundup

June 9, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

Photo: Matt Keefe/Flickr

There are tons of great fly fishing podcasts out there, and each week here at MidCurrent, we’ll highlight some of the newest releases. We’ll do our best to add variety to which shows we highlight, but if you have suggestions for shows that we should share with our readers, please let us know!

Orvis Podcast: Fishing for Alternative Species in the Rockies

On the most recent episode of the Orvis podcast, Tom Rosenbauer sat down with Davis James, an Orvis community leader, to talk about all the different species you can target with a fly rod, even in the trout-rich Rockies. It’s a great conversation that helps remind us about the need to take a bit of pressure off our favorite trout streams.

Fly Fishing Insider Podcast: All About Tenkara 

In this episode of the Fly Fishing Insider Podcast, Christian Bacasa interviews Jason Klas about tenkara. They talk about the misconceptions around this style of fishing, and they discuss how versatile this method can actually be.

Untangled: What Makes A “Good” Fly?

Alex Stulce and Spencer Durrant discuss the characteristics that all “good” flies share, and they talk about whether “bad” flies exist. It’s a great primer for those who are newer to the sport, or those looking to start tying their own flies.