Story: A Fish Named Dave
Tim Schulz has a great story over in Hatch Magazine about a fish he named Dave.
Yes, he named a fish. It’s named after Dave Delisi, the man who sold Tim a few rods at Sweetgrass years ago. Tim named the fish because he caught the same on on multiple occasions. It’s a fun, lighthearted story that we’ve all probably experienced ourselves at times. I’ve often wondered how many times I’ve caught the same fish, especially here on my local creek where I fish a few days every week.
“Dave Delisi—who at the time served as my dealer, green grocer, and candy man at Sweetgrass Rods—alluded to a brown trout whose allure had eroded my already meager capacity for self-control,” Schulz writes. “What makes one fish stubbornly reject a fly another will eagerly take, I’d ask at 3 a.m., hoping ten more revolutions of the ceiling fan would release insomnia’s grip on my consciousness. This quest to answer a patently unanswerable question had transformed me—an otherwise capable man—into a neurotic ninny.”
You can read the full story here.
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The Case for Winter Fishing