Tying Tuesday: Midges, Caddis, and Soft Hackles

October 15, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

This week’s Tying Tuesday features a nice soft hackle pattern from a YouTube channel we’ve never featured before. You’ll also get treated to a simple midge emerger pattern, as well as an easy caddis pupa that should find its own place in your box.

The folks over at Fulling Mill start us off this week with a fantastic little midge pattern, tied by signature tyer Tyler Boroff. The Foamie Homie is a great fly to use when fish are feeding higher in the water column, or keyed on emerging midges. Plus, it’s a simple pattern!

Next, we have a simple caddis pupa nymph pattern from Avid Max. I’m as guilty as anyone of overlooking just how effective caddis pupa can be. I’ve been a frequent user of caddis emerger patterns this year, but I need to add more pupa patterns to my box, instead of relying on a Frenchie to get the job done. And this bug is so simple, whipping it up seems like a no-brainer.

Last up this week is a soft hackle pattern from Hughie Graves. I need to make it a point to fish more soft hackles this fall, and tying some of these flies seems like a great place to start.