Podcast Roundup

August 11, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

This week’s Podcast Roundup features a discussion on simplifying fly fishing (and why so many anglers tend to overthink it), some amazing tips on casting big flies, and a chat about fishing art and its future with a preeminent fishing artist.

As always, if you have any podcasts you’d like to see featured here, please let us know!

Untangled Podcast: Fly Fishing Simplified

On this episode of Untangled, you’ll learn what the host thinks about the root of many questions beginners have about fly fishing. Namely, they’re overthinking the sport. If you can simplify fly fishing down to its essence, you’ll vastly improve your experience fly fishing.

Orvis Podcast: Tips for Casting Big Flies

Casting guru Pete Kutzer joins Tom Rosenbauer for this episode of the Orvis podcast to talk about tips for casting big flies. There’s no one I’d rather learn casting from than Pete, so this is well worth your time to listen to.

Anchored Podcast: Andrea Larko and the Future of Fish Art

In this episode of Anchored, April Vokey sat down with Andrea Larko to talk about the future of fly fishing art. Larko is a celebrated fishing artist, and she shares her story about getting to where she is now in a highly competitive field. This show is definitely worth a listen.