Save Wild Trout Announces Advisory Board

November 19, 2023 By: Spencer Durrant

Save Wild Trout is an advocacy group that was formed to directly address the problems facing the Big Hole River in Montana. Save Wild Trout will also address issues in the rest of Southwest Montana, as well as near the Flathead River in the northern portion of the state.

The advisory board includes Scott Bosse, Hilary Hutechson, Paul Moseley, David Thompson, Dan Vermillion, and Brian Wheeler.

According to a story from Montana Outdoor, “Save Wild Trout is conducting an interdisciplinary study into the collapse of wild trout in the Big Hole, Beaverhead, and Ruby rivers that will help federal, state, and local governments and the private sector respond with science-based solutions.”

You can learn more about what Save Wild Trout plans to do here.