New “RateMyCatch” Fishing App from Glacier Glove
Coby Rowe, managing director of Glacier Glove, just introduced the new RateMyCatch fishing app
for iphone, ipad and ipod touch.
RateMyCatch is designed to be a fun way to share fishing stories: snap a photo of your catch, upload and share. Users can tell everyone what it is, how much it weighs and where it was caught. They can rate their own catch and others’, and post comments as well. Follow friends to view updates and share pictures or see the latest action from around the world.
Features include:
• Photo uploads from the phone with species information
• Find and follow your friends catches who are using the app
• Works with Facebook Places to give catch locations (unless it’s a secret spot)
• Share posts on Facebook
• Rate other catches and comment under the photos
• Receive up-to-date fishing news to stay informed
“We’re thrilled with the great response we’ve received so far from our app users,” said Rowe. “Hearing how easy it is to use and what a great way to comment and share catch photos, validates all our hard work put into this app.”
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