Conservation Videos


"Door Man"

“Door Man”- security guard, porter, enforcer of social mores and general snoop, all rolled into one. Leaf Seaburg...

"Natural State: Public Lands Fly Fishing"

"Wild is defined as a natural state: unaffected by the hand of man. As the earth’s human population continues to...

"The Balance"

Toxic algae blooms and dying sea grass. The Everglades ecosystem is in serious, serious trouble.  MidCurrent joined...

Gaula - River of Silver & Gold

The short version of "Gaula - River of Silver & Gold," produced by Daniel Göz and Anton Hamacher and shot exclusively...

Bonefish Open-Water Spawning

University of Massachusetts Amherst researcher Andy Danylchuk and colleagues from several other institutions know far...

Yvon Chouinard: "Return to the Outdoors"

YVON CHOUINARD, environmental activist and founder of Chouinard Equipment, Patagonia and One Percent for the Planet...