Marshall Cutchin: Florida Before the Storm

MidCurrent editor and former Key West guide Marshall Cutchin discusses the thrill of tarpon fishing and the impact of twenty-five years of angling on some of the sport’s most hallowed waters.

Podcast Excerpt: “That’s the one thing that actually has changed, is how you go out and find tarpon and fish for them. As fishing pressure increased, it became less the classic practice of a guide going and staking out on a white sport or a known route that the tarpon swam along and waiting for the fish to show up to one where you’re actually hunting the fish. So if I had to describe what I learned as I learned how to become a better tarpon guide, it was how to put tegether all the various factors that determine where tarpon are, where the fish that will eat are — which is a whole different question, and how to present the fly to the fish. And of course the techniques developed pretty rapidly once you had a lot of really good anglers like George Anderson, Fitz Coker, Dan Blanton and others spending a lot of time tarpon fishing.”

Podcast music by permission of Old Medicine Crow Show.