Tim Shulz

Tim Schulz lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. His business cards say “professor of engineering,” but he lives a secret life as a writer, musician, part-time fishing guide, and sluggish skater on North America’s slowest and oldest hockey team. His writings on fishing appear in Hatch Magazine and The Fly Fish Journal, and he is the author of a self-published book, The Habits of Trout—And Other Unsolved Mysteries.

Author Articles

Book Excerpt: A Cast Away in Montana

Skunked Late one summer night in Michigan—immediately after I let Sunny out for his evening constitutional—the hypersensitive olfactory nerves in his snout sent an urgent signal to the olfactory bulb in his brain, and that triggered his legs to propel his body on a beeline toward a small stand of birch trees in our yard. The siren that drew him wasn’t...