Tiemco Dry Magic Super Power Fly Floatant

August 27, 2009 By: zmatthews

drymagic.jpgIf you’re looking for the winner of the ‘Longest Name for Simplest Product’ contest, you’ve come to the right place. Chances are pretty good that Tiemco

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‘s “Dry Magic Super Power Fly Floatant” lost a little in translation over at the marketing department (then again, I’ve been known to eat the ‘Super Protein Power Bomb with Crunchy Fry’ down at the local sushi joint, so maybe the marketing works).
Whatever you call it, this is some seriously good bug dope. Tiemco represents this as one of the only floatants on the market that will work with cul du canard (French for “duck’s ass” – a special feather from the duck’s preening gland which usually needs no floatant at all due to its very hydrophobic oils). As any CDC fan knows, after a while even the magic of duck butt can no longer keep the fly going, and that’s where this stuff comes in.
I recently used the DMSPFF on Slough Creek in Yellowstone. Its long, pen-shaped tube is excellent for storage, and it improves on standard Gink in having a triple-reinforced lid retainer (eventually, all plastic pop off lids, from contact solution to Gink, will fail, but this should delay the inevitable). Best of all the float is truly “Super Powered.” One application to some very absorbent hopper patterns kept them afloat for hours, and the stuff stuck to 6X tippet for greased-leader fishing like I have never seen. While it’s about three times more expensive than Gink, you can’t really complain all that much about a $9 product, especially when it works this well.
Do you dip your sushi in soy sauce, wasabi, and Dave’s Bug Float before consumption? Let us know in the comments section!