BTT Opposes Angelfish Caye Development

Photo: Suzanne Schroeter/Flickr
The Bonefish and Tarpon Trust (BTT) has come out in opposition to a development on Angelfish Caye/Will Bauer Flat in Belize, according to a press release.
“We write to respectfully request that the Belizean government reconsider its approval of the project and withdraw its support,” BTT wrote. “Our concern is rooted in the need to preserve the remaining critical habitat at Angelfish Caye, which is essential for sustaining the area’s healthy economy and biodiversity.”
The development plan BTT opposes is one that’s been in the works for a while now. According to Fly Lords, the development wants to “build a high-end ‘eco-resort’ and private residential complex at the expense of destroying seagrass, corals, mangroves, and flats habitats by extracting 16 thousand cubic yards of sediments from the ocean floor.”
BTT posits that any development in Belize will result in “harm” to important flats species and “diminish other forms of tourism and recreational activities in the surrounding waters.” BTT bases that supposition on extensive scientific research, which the organization is well-known and respected for.
“Specifically, there is deep concern that the process to date has lacked sufficient stakeholder involvement and, in particular, from the resource-reliant users such as tour operators and fishers,” BTT wrote. “We also share the concerns expressed by others that the Environment Impact Assessment’s biological assessments were inadequate in their consideration of ecologically and economically critical species, including the high-value ‘big 3’ flats-industry species bonefish, tarpon, and permit.”
BTT also cites strong community opposition for the development from local fishing guides and tour operators who worry that development along the Will Bauer Flat will result in diminished fish populations and a drastic decline in business opportunities.
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