Story: No Fish in New Places

July 17, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

Photo: USFWS Mountain-Prairie/Flickr

In a list of some of their more recent stories at Flyfish Journal, you’ll find a short but sweet piece by Christopher Schaberg. It’s about the confusion that sets in after not catching fish in a new place, especially after Schaberg felt he had the little sunfish pond figured out.

After a move from New Orleans to St. Louis, he was relegated to city ponds and their resident sunfish. When he moved there it was warm and the fish were cooperative, but eventually winter arrived and the fishing shut off. Once spring hit, though, Schaberg reckoned he had a good chance to hook into some sunfish again, especially since the smallmouth fishing was too far away for him at the time.

Only he didn’t catch anything. Not even after his success the previous summer and fall.

It’s a wonderfully written little story, that’s likely reminiscent of experiences we’ve all had. You can read it here.