Tips For Catching Stocked Trout

Louis Cahill Photography
As much as we’d all love to only catch wild trout, that’s just not a reality anymore. Many trout fisheries survive thanks to stocking, and these stocked trout sometimes require different techniques to catch than their wild brethren. Freshly stocked trout, especially, can be somewhat immune to the more natural offerings us fly anglers are prone to use.
That’s where this story from Louis Cahill can help out. Louis goes through his first experience catching a trout – which was a stocked rainbow – and how that moment led him to where he is today. As a well-respected flats angler and excellent photographer, Louis is well-positioned to give a few tips on catching stocked fish, without making you feel like you’re somehow “less than” for catching one.
You can read his story here.
Elements of a Nymph Rig
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