Elements of a Nymph Rig

Photo: Courtesy Dom Swentosky
Nymphing is a critical skill that every fly angler needs to develop if they want to be successful. That’s largely why you’ll see so many different nymphing resources available. If you can’t nymph, you won’t catch very many trout.
That’s also why Dom Swentosky, over at Troutbitten, has dedicated such an enormous part of his writing and discussion to going through the efficacy of various nymph rigs. And in this recent story over at his blog, Dom goes through the three elements that each successful nymphing rigs needs to have: depth, angle, and drop. You can learn why each of these elements are critical, and how to improve them in your own fishing, here.
Orvis Podcast: New Nymphing Technique
Tips For Catching Stocked Trout