IF4 Rescheduling Screenings Worldwide

May 28, 2020 By: Spencer Durrant

As quarantine restrictions relent across the world, the International Fly Fishing Film Festival (IF4) will reschedule screenings that were postponed due to the novel coronavirus. 

IF4, the outdoor industry’s premier fly-fishing film event, kicks off annually in early Jan. and runs throughout the year, with screenings throughout Canada, the United States, and other international destinations including Europe, and South America. As COVID-19 spread and large gatherings were prohibited, many of these events were postponed indefinitely and their futures remained uncertain. 

As restrictions lift worldwide, the IF4 hopes to help rebuild and strengthen the fly-fishing community with rescheduled screenings.

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“We want to highlight our commitment to our screening partners, both businesses and non-profits, who use these events to build community support and create opportunities for fundraising,” said Jennifer Bird, Executive Publisher of the Bird Marketing Group. “We believe both these functions will be that much more important in the months to come.”

Rescheduled screenings will be updated on the IF4 website, https://www.flyfilmfest.com/  Tickets will be available online and through screening partners worldwide.