Quick Tip: Use a Handheld Marker Buoy as a Redneck Waypoint

July 4, 2013 By: timromano

You can see that sucker from a long way away…

On a recent trip to a Colorado high plains lake for large trout my friends from Breckenridge Outfitters shared with me a little secret on how to keep your hot spots throughout the day without a GPS. They used handheld marker buoys

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.  They are light, don’t take up a lot of room, are fairly inexpensive, and are stupidly easy to use.

We were in a drift boat with a 6-hp outboard, but they also use them belly boating, power boating, etc….  Once you find a quality fishing spot on a multi-thousand-acre piece of water, coming back to the spot later is quite a bit more difficult than one would think without GPS.  Even being a couple hundred feet off could be the difference between sticking pigs or getting shut out.  Just a few of these marker buoys can make the difference between an average and a spectacular day.