Trout Unlimited Party, Fly Fishing and Pro-Golfing, Shallow Summer Water and Brown Trout
- If you’re located near the Denver Metro Front Range, head to the d-Note in Old Town Arvada tonight for a Trout Unlimited end-of-summer party, sponsored by the one and only Charlie’s Fly Box.
- With a common history, writes Chris Santella in The New York Times, fly fishing and golfing attract a similar type of person. And for pro golfers, it offers a refreshing change of pace. “You can be playing in a major championship on Sunday, surrounded by throngs of people on the course, signing autographs before and after,” says Nick Price. “A day or two later, you can be alone on a bonefish flat in the Bahamas. The seclusion fly-fishing provides is a nice balance.”
- Don’t walk by shallow water expecting there not to be trout; they are there, just spooky and quick. So read some good tactics for targeting summer browns in shallow water from Kent Klewein on the Thomas & Thomas blog.
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