Quick Tip: 5 Non-Fishing Items to Bring on a Fishing Trip

Nature ever call while out fishing? Try wet wipes - you'll thank us.
Andrew Bennett over at Deneki Outdoors explains why it’s important to remember some non-fishing items when packing for that next fishing trip.
Why he forgot to add a flask is beyond me, but we do like his list and think he made some good suggestions—like wet wipes. Andrew explains: “In the run-up to any destination angling trip, lots of attention gets paid to which fishing gear to bring along. Rods, reels, lines, waders, raincoats, pliers…all that stuff is really important of course, but bringing along a few key non-fishing items can make your trip just a little more enjoyable.”
Here are his top five:
1. Disposable pre-moistened lens cloths. They’re the easiest way to keep your glasses and your camera lenses clean. We like these by Zeiss. Bonus: they cost 10 cents a piece. Make sure the wipes and the wrapper wind up in the trash!
2. Lip balm. Everybody remembers sunscreen, but your lower lip can take quite a beating from the sun. Here’s one option from Neutrogena
. A split bottom lip is not a badge of honor.
3. Wet wipes. Equally useful for washing your hands before meals, and on those occasions when nature calls in the middle of your fishing day. Here’s a travel pack.
Read the rest of Andrew’s list over on Deneki.com
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