Review: Cabela’s New CGR Fiberglass Series Fly Rods
In honor of their 50th anniversary, Cabela’s recently introduced their CGR (“Custom Glass Rod”) Series, a new line of fiberglass fly rods.
Cameron Mortenson reviews each rod in the new series on his Fiberglass Manifesto
Web site. Said Mortenson, “This entire series is a heck of a value for the price, quite a bit of fun to fish, and Cabela’s got it right on a lot of levels. I like that they didn’t offer up a watered down fly rod series just to say that they had a commemorative fiberglass fly rod available for order.”
Mortenson went on to say, “This was a smartly designed series borrowing old school fly rod lengths and upgrading the material and components used to create a very usable fly rod series which will appeal to dedicated ‘Glass Geeks’ and our graphite waving (but curious) brethren alike.”
Each rod in the CGR Series retails for $99.99 and is available on their Web site.
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