Ausable Flies-Only Mistake Embarrasses Michigan DNR

December 3, 2009 By: Marshall Cutchin

Map of the Au Sable River watershed.

Image via Wikipedia

Don’t underestimate the lifestyle commitment of fly fishers.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources took it on the chin recently for an impending rule change that would have allowed artificial lures in sections of the Au Sable Main Stream and South Branch, which are designated flies-only. Apparently the “system” was too blame. That didn’t assuage Tim Woodward, who considers the Au Sable holy water, perhaps with good reason: “‘(Fly fishing) cost me a wife 20 years ago, and I never got another because I knew it would happen again,’ he said. ‘When I saw they were proposing to let people use crankbaits on those parts of the river, I was really upset.'” Eric Sharp gives the full story in the Detroit Free Press

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