Mike Lawson on "Unmatching the Hatch"
New on MidCurrent today, Mike Lawson writes about the secrets of fishing spring creeks when there are millions of bugs on the water. This is a terrific four-page excerpt from Mike’s new book Spring Creeks
“One of the myths of spring-creek fishing is that you can’t catch trout unless you know exactly what the trout are feeding on and select a fly that precisely matches the insect they’re eating. I have known some very good anglers who carry only a few simple patterns that catch a lot of fish. Their theory is that if you make a perfect presentation it doesn’t matter what fly you use. Art Lee makes a case for this approach in his book, Fishing Dry Flies for Trout on Rivers and Streams. Lee credits Ernest Schwiebert with popularizing the term ‘matching the hatch’ in 1955. Lee notes that matching the hatch requires substantial investments of both time and money as we waste countless hours changing flies every ‘twenty seconds’ at the ‘right time’ for the ‘right fish.'”
Read the full article
Fly Fishing Techniques: The Leisenring Lift
Tying the "Bonefish Bitters"