Fly Fishing Bloggers: “Public Lands Proud”

September 15, 2016 By: Erin Block

Across the  US West there is a growing initiative to remove public lands from the federal government and transfer management to state control. This national public lands transfer would over-burden state governments and budgets and would likely result in a sale of public land to private interests, severely limiting public access to land and water on which anglers depend.

In support of public lands and access, a coalition of fly fishing writers have collaborated on a “Public Lands Proud Blog-In,” raising awareness of what’s at stake. Read more in these excellent essays and observations by fly fishing’s most prominent bloggers:

“The Day After” by Mike Sepelak
“Public Lands Proud” by Dan Frasier
“Going Home to Public Lands” by Randy Scholfield
“A Call for Public Land Protection” by Joshua G. Rust
“Diary of a Fly Fishing Teen” by Cameron Mortenson
“Public Lands Bind and Connect Us” by Gabe Parr
“Our Public Lands: Freedom on the Brink” by Jason Tucker
“Public Lands Under Threat” by R.M. Lytle
“What is it Worth?” by Jeff Marsh
“The Public Land Issue: Teddy Roosevelt & Woody Guthrie Had It Right” by Joel Hathaway
“Protect Our Public Lands” by Jeff Needham
“We Are Lost Without It” by Tom Hazelton
“This Land is Your Land” by Mia Sheppard
“Become #PublicLandsProud” from Chucking Line and Chasing Tail
“Gone, Gone, Like the Snows of Yesteryear” from Buster Wants to Fish

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