Fly Fishing for Yellowfin Tuna in San Diego
Producer: Gilbert Rowley
“Five years ago I quit a very comfortable, secure job to tread a path of making films in the fly fishing industry. This was my first major film project, and in many ways it kick-started my journey as a filmmaker. I feel very blessed that it was selected for the 2016 International Fly Fishing Film Festival in which it traveled to over 100 different showings that year and was well received by audiences everywhere. We hope you enjoy this adventure as a fun look back at our beginnings, and an introduction to our future. Please enjoy.
Film Overview:
In search for what is pound for pound the hardest pulling fish in the ocean, anglers Mark Martin and Alex Beck set out on an adventure in Mark’s home waters off the coast of San Diego, California. Muscle, speed, and adrenaline are the genetic strengths of yellowfin tuna, and could they also experience the tug of the elusive bluefin tuna on the fly? Join them in their adventure of reel screaming, rod bending, heart pounding action to see if tuna really can claim the title of the hardest pulling fish in the saltwater world.”
Fly Fishing for Winter Trout
Fly Fishing Gear Checklist