Early Season Hatches: Tying the Little Black Stonefly

Producer: Dark Skies Fly Fishing

“Little Black Stoneflies are often the first bugs to appear in late winter/early spring. Stoneflies hatch differently than mayflies. Instead of emerging from the water’s surface, the nymphs crawl onto rocks and woody debris on the river banks and shed their nymphal shucks. Although they seldom land on the water in large enough quantities to induce heavy feeding, there are certainly times when a good Little Black Stonefly dry fly pattern comes in handy.”

Little Black Stonefly
Hook: Standard Dry Fly Hook, such as the Model 02 from Wholesale Fly Company
Thread: Black 8/0 Semperfli Classic waxed thread
Body: Black Superfine Dry Fly Dubbing
Wing: Nature’s Spirit UV 2 Select CDC in Natural or Dark Gray Dun
Hackle: Black