Photographer Will Blanchard

Will Blanchard: “I’m a much better guide than photographer. I wish it was the other way around, but it’s not. Guiding provides a roof, food, gear and just enough funding for my steelhead benders in the wilds of BC. I really do enjoy sharing the trout waters of southwest Colorado with my guests, but I’m on the oars more than the shutter button of my camera. For me, shooting tends to be a mix of the right place at the right time, an interesting angle and a memory card full of luck. My inspiration is fueled by the natural world, skilled photographers, genuine anglers, people of character, cheap beer, any scotch with a fish on the label and my photo assistant Kispa, my funky black lab. No matter how gnarly her gob smells of salmon carcass she will always put a smile on your face, even when mother nature wants to rip your tent off the ground and huck-it in the river. Most of my images have been used to help market my guide service, but a few have been used in various publications. My most recent work has appeared in The Drake and the Scott Fly Rods catalog. I raise my glass to all the photo pros out there that do make a living in this small and difficult niche market. Cheers….”
See more of Will Blanchard’s work at
Vince Tobia
Will Rice