Johnny Carrol Sain

Johnny Carrol Sain is MidCurrent’s content director and a freelance writer focused on the connection between people and place through hunting, fishing, and living simply with the land. He also does a fair job with gear reviews. Published in Outdoor Life, Sporting Classics, Strung, The Drake, The Bitter Southerner, The Food & Environment Reporting Network, and others, you can find more of his writing at American Pokeweed or in his book Hidden in the Tall Grass

Author Articles

Step-by-Step Guide to Landing Your Most Memorable Fish

"What makes some fly fishing memories so unforgettable? Is it because you caught a big fish? Or is there more that goes into memorable moments when you're out on the water? In this episode of Untangled, you'll learn a step-by-step guide to help you make your own fly fishing memories and catch trout on a fly rod that you'll never forget."

Winter Fly Fishing Small Creeks

"Trout fishing in the winter is tough. In this video, I mostly Euro-nymphed without any luck. It wasn't until the last hole of the day, when I tied on a jig streamer, that I found a trout."

Five Things to Consider When Buying Your First Fly Rod

"Choosing a fly rod as a beginner can be overwhelming because there’s so much to consider—length, weight, material, and action all play a huge role in how the rod performs. Without experience, it’s hard to know what will work best for different types of fishing or conditions. Plus, there’s a ton of jargon—like fast or slow action—which might...

Review: Infinity X1 Headlamp

The Infinity X1 headlamp is one of those rare pieces of gear that actually delivers on its promises. You're getting a premium headlamp that punches well above its weight class. Yes, it's a bit bulky compared to some ultralight options, but the trade-off brings you impressive durability and some genuinely useful smart features that make it a standout choice...


The pool is barely wider than my 9-foot fly rod. Riffles are mere trickles. The creek itself disappears just beyond the next pool, filtering through porous karst, becoming one with the underground rock for several yards before breaking back to the surface. The stretches of dry, sun-bleached stones appear alabaster from a distance. Closer looks offer a...

Blood and Water

The first mottled bronzey smallmouth bass brought to hand after a long fishless winter should move an angler to gratitude and bliss. This one brings worry. The fish was fooled too well. Plumes of crimson escape its gill covers with every pump as it rests in the net. Despite its bulging belly, or perhaps caught up in the feeding frenzy brought on by late...

Audrey Wilson Prepares for World Championship and Offers Five Tips to Make you a Better Caster

A member of the USA Casting Team, 38-year-old Audrey Wilson has found her way on a journey to the World Champion of Fly Casting in Norway this August 2022. Growing up in Roy, Utah, where she fell in love with the outdoors as a small girl while camping, hiking and canoeing with her parents and brother, Wilson initially became intrigued by fly fishing after...

Summer Smallmouth Rod Roundup

For Western anglers, summer means trout on terrestrials. But throughout the Midwest, East, and Upland South, summer means brownies of the non-salmonid sort. Call them brown bass, bronze bass, tiger bass, or just plain ol’ smallmouth, when the cicadas are buzzing and the creeks slow to a gentle meander, pursuing Micropterus dolomieu is on our minds...

Choosing a Bass Rod Rotation

There is often a “one-size-fits-all” misconception about fly rods for bass. Coming from a baitcasting background, I know that’s just plain silly. Check out the casting deck on any impoundment bass angler’s boat and you’ll find an array of rods at the ready. Different lengths, actions, and line sizes all come into play depending on circumstances...