David Gallipoli
David Gallipoli, a Connecticut Yankee who has been fly fishing the waters of the Rockies for more than twenty-five years, lives in McCall, Idaho. A photographer, writer, and activist, his photography and writing can be viewed at www.gonefishinstories.com.
Author Articles
Rest the Water: Remembering John Gierach
At least once a year I visit an ancient cedar grove on the banks of the Lochsa River where I fish for cutthroat trout. This summer, a sudden microburst took out a 500-year-old tree, which now lies horizontally on the forest floor. In death there is life. The hole in the canopy provides more light for sword ferns, dogwood, and the health of its kin. It will...
I Will Dream
Wading to a gravel bar, to a seam where two currents merge into one, I make a cast slightly upstream and mend the line so my caddisfly will float on the water like a dead insect. A tug comes midway through the drift. Raising the rod tip, I set the hook. It feels like a strong fish as I strip in my fly line and then play the fish off the reel. I bring the...