Charles Meck

Charles Meck is the author of more than twelve fly fishing books, and his writing appears regularly in Mid-Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide and Fly Fisherman. You can find out more about Fishing Tandem Flies by visiting the author’s site ( or contacting Stackpole Books, distributor for Headwater Books.

Author Articles

Mastering the Hatches

CARRY SEVERAL sizes of the same pattern. Always carry the size that most appropriately matches the hatch; but also carry smaller patterns. Carry several patterns that match the same hatch. For the most common hatches, I carry hackled, parachute, and Compara-dun style versions of the same fly. Sink the pattern, if changing size or pattern doesn't work...

Fishing Tandem Flies: Other Combinations

FISHING A DRY AND DROPPER is one possible combination. You can also fish two wet flies or two dry flies. You can even fish three (or more) wet flies or one dry and two wets, if the wets are small or if the dry fly is large and floats well. You are limited only by your fly selection and imagination. Two Dry Flies As I've grown older, I have more difficulty...