Artist John Rogers Fowler
John Rogers Fowler has created a new cutthroat series that will start with the Rio Grand and Greenback.
“I think there is something magical about the appearance of a fish seen up close. No creature on earth has such an interesting combination of complex colors, and many look like they are illuminated from within when they are seen in direct sunlight.
Twenty-two years ago my goal was to create a sculpture that looked lifelike, a new unique kind of sculpture which reflected light and displayed color as if it were alive. A sculpture that was completely different from anything I had ever seen. One that would stand out in a gallery or in a collection of other sculptures with traditional patinas.
Our sculpture today is primarily polished stainless steel, or polished bronze when appropriate for such species as redfish. I use an extremely transparent patina that allows the polished metal to reflect light back through the color to give the sculpture its lifelike appearance. Each piece is sealed with a clear coating designed specifically for outdoor sculpture.
All of the work on each piece is done in our studio. Molds of our original carvings are made by my wife and partner, Cathy (who also creates angels in bronze and is an accomplished author). We don’t allow the foundries to do anything other than rough-cast the stainless and bronze. All of the finish work, from grinding and polishing the metal to applying the color detail is mine. As a result, you get a sculpture that was made one at a time by the artist who signed it. These sculptures are intensely personal as I am trying very hard to make each one better than the last.”
John Piacquadio
Jon Howlett