Survey Says Missouri Tailwater Trout Fairing Well
Scientist surveying trout numbers in the Missouri River below Holter Dam expected a dramatic drop in the numbers of large and small fish. But it appears the fish are maintaining their pre-Whirling-disease numbers, and while the peak years of the late 1990s may not be seen again, samples show there are still around 1500 fish per mile. “‘The fishing is more challenging than it was,’ [Montana River Outfitters owner Craig Madsen] added. ‘And it depends on the time of year. The fishing is getting good earlier than it has in the past. People are keying in a little earlier when fish have seen fewer people and there are new hatches coming off.'” Still, the Missouri ties the Madison for being most popular with anglers, even though angler satisfaction is only average on both rivers. Michael Babcock in the Great Falls Tribune.
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