One Nymph or Two?

May 26, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

Photo: Domeneick Swentosky/Troutbitten

If I’m fishing with nymphs, I almost always have at least two tied on my rig. I’ve caught flak for it from some who don’t think it’s “sporting,” but I often fish a dry-dropper-dropper rig during the summers. Using three flies is legal here in Wyoming, and the ability to fish a big hopper, caddis, or stonefly up top, with a caddis and midge nymph beneath it, allows me to effectively cover more of the water column, especially in the deep pockets in my local high-country streams.

But it’s not just the ability to cover more of the water column that helps the two-nymph rig have so much success. According to Dom Swentosky, over at Troutbitten, fishing two nymphs also helps get both into the strike zone quicker, increasing the amount of time your nymphs spend in a place where a trout is most likely to eat them.

That’s the gist behind Dom’s use of two nymphs, but there are other practical reasons he fishes this way, which you can learn all about here.