Utah Stream Access Laws Gain Momentum

Photo: Courtesy Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Utah is one of two states to receive an ‘F’ grade in a recent article from Fly Fisherman Magazine that highlighted how some states protect access to their “navigable waters.” As anyone who has followed the stream access debate likely knows, getting a river declared as “navigable” often opens up its riverbed to the public, preventing landowners from laying claim to it, and thus locking the public out of miles of river.
Utah has long been famous for their poor river access laws, but according to a new story from Joshua Bergan in Fly Fisherman Magazine, the tide may be changing on Utah stream access laws. Bergan’s story notes new conversations and increased momentum during the 2023 legislative session that may lead to the Beehive State passing more angler-friendly laws in the future.
You can get all the details here.
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