AFFTA Confluence Set for September 2023
The American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) has announced its Confluence trade show (formerly IFTD) will commence September 26, 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The show will end on September 28.
AFFTA has revamped its yearly trade show to focus more on conservation and help attendees better spend their money. A full press release on Confluence can be found below. You can learn more about the conference here.
The American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) makes additions to a traditional trade show and creates a must attend event for every member of the association and industry.
“AFFTA’s trade show has always been a place for doing business. We recognize that in order to continue providing value, the show must evolve to accommodate the current ways of conducting business, ” Kenneth Andres, AFFTA Show Director.
“AFFTA works all year long to provide many different tracks of value to its members, all of those tracks are coming together in one place at Confluence. We want attendees to walk into the Salt Palace and not just see a trade show but to see the full scope of what our trade association has to offer to this industry. Most importantly, we want them to have the ability to capitalize on the tools we will now have at the show”, said Lucas Bissett, Executive Director of AFFTA.
Bissett continued, “ By including access to all of AFFTA’s benefits in one place, our members can now leave Salt Lake more educated, better prepared, and take full advantage of the member programs we provide. We are excited to add our own party to the lineup of happy hour
events because we know there needs to be a balance of work and play. We are also taking the show outside the last day for some friendly competitions, demo opportunities, good food and live music.”
What’s New at Confluence
- We are taking the show outside the last day for some friendly competitions, demo opportunities, good food and live music
- Addition of an Artist’s Alley at the front of the show
- Much larger focus on conservation through the AFFTA Fisheries Fund
- Condensed trade show hours to allow manufacturers to participate in the roundtable discussions
- AFFTA’s Member Benefit Partners at the show and ready to help attendees save money and make better business decisions
- AFFTA’s Strategic Partners in attendance and available to network and to show the connectivity of all those with a similar ideology
- Attendees will have an exclusive first look at TrackFly’s Market Trends Report
- Individual dealer and guide education tracks
- Industry wide peer to peer conversations around the issues the fly fishing industry is facing
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