Quick Tip: Always Secure Your Boat Anchor
The car you see above is mine. It was t-boned in an intersection about a mile from my house from a driver who’d gone through a red light. I was also towing a recently refurbished wooden drift boat, which sadly was also destroyed. What you can’t see is the basketball-sized hole in the rear window about 6 inches behind where my three-year-old daughter’s head was. This was made from a 30-pound anchor ejecting out the window and flying about 50 feet due to the force of the collision. Luckily for us it went sideways instead of forward.
Sadly, I knew better…. This was a major wake-up call for me and should be for anyone else who uses an anchor while fishing from your boat. DO NOT leave it unsecured in the back of your car! Make sure it’s out of your vehicle on your trailer in an anchor nest
, with a very stout tensile strength rope or length of chain. Even chain it to the frame of your raft, etc. if you prefer. Anything is better than having it turn into a flying deadly projectile if you get in an accident.
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