Tippets: Tagged Fish, Different Strokes, Comment on Clean Water Act

May 22, 2014 By: Erin Block

  • Extensive tagging efforts have been implemented in the waters of Eleuthera, Abaco, Grand Bahama, Cuba and Andros. If you happen to catch a bonefish that has been previously caught and tagged by researchers, check out some advice from Bjorn Stromsness on what actions to take before you release.
  • Fly rods have evolved from one-piece to a norm of four pieces. Yet some folks claim a two-piece rod is the sweet spot. Kirk Deeter takes a look at some factors at play including fly and line weight and, ultimately, personal preference. Via Field & Stream.
  • A recently proposed rule addition to the Clean Water Act would restore protections for critical wetlands. As the rule is now up for public comment, “it’s now up to us to get involved,” writes Bob Marshall on Field & Stream. Check out letters provided by conservation and sportsmen’s groups for a way to do your part in helping wetlands and headwater streams.
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