Fly Gear for Landing Massive Lake Trout

May 18, 2012 By: timromano

Fishing for giant lake trout requires giant flies

Ever daydream about catching a 40-inch, 25-30lb trout on a fly? Now’s the time if you live anywhere near a large body of water with big lake trout in it. Don’t think about rolling up with your typical trout rod and reel set-up though.

After targeting the fish for the past couple of weeks with guide Bernie Keefe, Russ Miller of Front Range Anglers says:

“I loaded up a few reels with some specialty fly lines to help effectively fish the 3- to 12-foot depths that we would be targeting.  On my 8-weight I loaded up a SA Wet Tip Clear line to fish in the shallow spots.  I prefer this line to a floater because it cuts under the waves much better than a full floating line.  This gives you better contact with your fly and increases your hook up rate.  On my 9-weight I loaded up the SA Streamer Express

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line with a 250-grain, 30-foot head.  This line allows me to effectively fish between 7 and 15 feet deep depending on the speed of my retrieve.”

For more detailed info on all the gear and tactics needed to target giant lake trout, head on over the the FRA blog.