Tippets: Secret Service vs. Rod Tubes, “The Yemen Effect,” Wilderness Leadership, Unexpected Alaskan “Adventure”
- A commercial pilot gave the Secret Service a run for its money when he parked his car at the airport with his homemade fly rod tubes that just happened to bear a striking resemblance to rockets.
- A fly fishing industry expert in Scotland claims that women’s interest in fly fishing has jumped, causing a 60 percent spike in booking inquiries for his company. Those in the know are attributing it to Salmon Fishing in Yemen and are calling it “The Yemen Effect.”
- Outdoor exploration will make you a better manager in the office, write John Kanengieter and Aparana Rajagopal-Durbin in the April 2012 Harvard Business Review [.pdf]. Perhaps now is the time to convince executives that out-of-office socializing should take place while fishing in the backcountry rather than on the golf course.
- A man’s fly fishing trip in Alaska took an unexpected turn after he got lost in the Salmon Bay Lake area. After seven days in the wilderness with no food, angler David Ford was found in good health.
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