“Girl Scouts, But With Martinis”
Fully equipped with antique fireside furniture, brightly colored trailers, cowgirl themed cocktail napkins (among other things), and feather boas, the ladies of Sisters on the Fly certainly know how to enjoy themselves.
In 1999, Sister 1 and Sister 2, known to everyone else as Maurrie Sussman and Becky Clarke, were having such a good time on fly-fishing trips that they decided to include friends as well. Nearly 15 years later, the organization boasts 2,500 “sisters” worldwide. Membership is $60 a year and, along with fly fishing, activities include whitewater rafting and attending cowgirl college in Kaycee, Wyoming. Those male anglers thinking of joining as a way to meet a fly-fishing companion for life think again. “No husbands, no dogs and be nice,” are the only three rules, “although sometimes husbands, called ‘mister sisters,’ are allowed.”
Writer Spotlight: Cameron Scott
April Vokey: As Hard Core as They Come