Korkers Metalhead Wading Boot and Svelte 2 Soles

September 24, 2011 By: Kirk Deeter

Korkers Metalhead Wading Boots

Korkers Metalhead Wading Boots

Metalhead Wading Boots

As many anglers become more and more eco-conscious (an undoubtedly good thing), in an era when we know felt-soled wading boots can contribute to the spread of aquatic invasive species that ruin rivers (things like mudsnails, didymo etc.), a lot of fly fishers are choosing their boots carefully.

The Korkers Metalhead wading boot won to “Eco-Friendly” award honors at the International Fly Tackle Dealers show recently, because the boots’ interchangeable outsoles can be treated, switched, frozen, or dried in a way that helps protect the waters.

Let’s be clear: No product is, purely by design, a cure-all to the threats posed by aquatic invasive species, but if you have a choice to wash your boots, and then pop off the soles and freeze them overnight (versus freezing your boots entirely), eco-friendly fishing becomes a heckuva lot easier. The boots themselves are hydrophobic, meaning they absorb less and dry faster (and shrink less when they do dry). And the forthcoming “Svelte 2” sole material offers a reliable alternative to felt. Metalheads also are easy to slip on and off. MSRP: $159.99$179.99.

Sam Houser of Korkers talks about the new Svelte 2 soles:

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