Fool’s Day Funnies
In addition to MidCurrent‘s own highly questionable (though not consistently questioned) reportage on the scientific link between smallmouth bass and tarpon, a few other media folks came up with some doozies yesterday:
- We suggested last week that leather might replace hackle feathers as the new hair ornament du jour, but it turns out that the baby gherkin might be what saves the modern fly tier, said Kirk Deeter and Tim Romano on Fly Talk.
- In their April 1 newsletter, Brad Elfers and Mike Cole of Alaska Fly Fishing Goodsreported on Top-Water Sculpins, Thank-You Notes on Beads, and the new Leaf-Dicator (which we actually thought might be a good idea).
- And one our daily reads, Conservation Magazine, said that the venomous spiders nesting in Mazda car fuel lines and causing a massive recall turned out to be a new species. “Late yesterday, conservation groups were scrambling to persuade a federal judge to place an injunction against any spraying, and were petitioning the Obama Administration to make an ’emergency’ declaration protecting the spider under the Endangered Species Act.”
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