Angling Trade Magazine: "AFFTA Isn't Dead"
Yesterday afternoon, Angling Trade editor Kirk Deeter delivered an insider’s perspective on how the decision to move the IFTD show to New Orleans might be the shot in the arm AFFTA needs. Deeter suggests that AFFTA — which was criticized in recent years for not doing enough for the industry — has a chance to do what it should have been doing all along: drive growth in the sport at the grassroots level.
“[T]here isn’t a heavy concentration of fly shops to draw attendees from in Louisiana (not like Denver). And it will be hot and buggy next August on those flats. And, yes, we’re going to set up shop right in the heart of hurricane season. Those are all risks I’m willing to take. I already have my reservations booked.”
IFTD: "Candy Store for the Pros"
Tippets: Jim Hickey Wins "One Fly," Boot Sandals, Bahamian Flyfishing Federation, Beartooth Highway, Blue River Report